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Costello MGs in the News 2020

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9th December 
Green MkI GT relocated to Paris in safe new hands

David Wiggins' old Costello MkI has passed onto a classic car enthusiast​ in Paris, France. The GT will sit alongside a Triumph GT6, also procured in the UK.

Read more about the car in the Premium Listing section. 

15th November
Paul Hornby's MkI GT Sold at Auction

A successful sale at Richard Edmonds auctions has seen this great Mk I GT and in the lap of enthusiastic Andrew Griffiths.

Andrew has been in contact with and is keen to get in touch with other owners and keep his car showcased.

See more of the car here and browse the other GTs. 

5th November
Pam and Richard Darby's Red GT moves on

Nigel Guild from Former Glory is having a busy Costello year having sold the barn-find Green MkII GT to Lawrence Wood this summer. Only a couple of weeks later he has successfully passed on the Darby's much-loved 'Abbott' to retired Lt Col Geoff Orcheston-Findlay in Dorset, UK.


More accustomed to handing large guns Geoff plans to fettle and recommission his new four-wheeled weapon and enjoy some spirited driving during the lockdowns of late 2020. Keep an eye out for his forthcoming updated Premium Listing on the GT page. 

29th September
Bermuda-roofed MkII Roadster For Sale (France)

Located in Angers, northern France this very well maintained MkII Roadster has now come up for sale after long-term ownership.

Valued at €40k for insurance purposes this rare convertible is believed to be the only product of Costello Engineering Ltd in France. The car was the subject of a full report in Auto Rétro in June 2013 (issue #376). The engine is a 3900cc prepared by Oselli Engineering in the UK, sporting a Holley 4-barrel carburettor, Edelbrock pipe, four-speed gearbox with overdrive, putting out a reported 240bhp. Weighing in at only 830 kilograms this makes for a forty sporting experience.


The car comes with a French registration card in Jean-Pierre Giron's name (the seller), a Certificate of Authenticity, and the option of including the rare Bermuda hardtop (pictured here) in the sale.  

Contact the vendor directly (French text much preferred) or view the advert in the MG Club de France website.

18th September
Maastricht Costello MkII Emerges from the Dust

Garaged for some thirty years this MkII GT in left-hand-drive form has emerged into the daylight of a Belgian summer.


Enthusiastic owners - Patrick and Anniek Buffing - recently attended an 'old-timer' restoration course, trailering the Costello MG with them - and now are putting into practice what they learned, working all hours to bring the vehicle back to its former glory.

With the flat bonnet, rear-facing Weber carbs, and ageing badge on the rear panel this car has all the hallmarks of a MkII GT. Note the designation MkI and MkII was only attributed retrospectively when was born, in order to segregate the Costello vehicles. That said, no two Costello cars are exactly alike as Ken and his team developed their alterations as they progressed and many cars were built to customer specifications.


Patrick has little history on the car pre-1990 but remembers driving it for a short time before locking it away whilst his personal interests turned more toward two-wheeled machines. verified the vehicle as one of Ken Costello's creations and hopes to issue a Certificate of Authenticity (and perhaps a Premium Listing) so as to showcase this car as it slowly becomes roadworthy once more. There is - as ever - no record of how many LHD vehicles his business produced, but there are thought to be precious few made, perhaps less than five. 

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15th September 2020
The Family Marchant MkI GT Returns to

Great news to hear this wonderful MkI GT - an ex-racer in fact - is still in the hands of the enthusiastic Marchant family located in Surrey, England. ​This vehicle appeared - via trailer - at the inaugural Costello meeting in Tilford, 2009. At the time it was a gift from an ambitious father to his young son (below driving age) as a test-bed to learn car restoration (lucky lad - ed.). Said son - Oliver (pictured left) - is now old enough to drive the fruits of his own teenage labours.

Read more about the restoration from father Clive Marchant here

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01st September 2020
South African Mk-2 GT returns home

Fabulous MkII GT has found its way back home to its Costello roots in Kent since being imported by enthusiastic new owner Ian Beattie.

Previous owner Fred Bickley - pictured left with the GT and Costello restoration meister Jurgen Kuhnle in Sedgefield, South Africa in 2019 - sadly had to part with the car as a result of his emigration to the UK. He probably didn't expect the car to follow him! Now settled with Ian in Kent a few sympathetic upgrades and tweaks, in-keeping with the marque, are planned. A full write-up can be found in Ian's refreshed Premium Listing on the GTs page. welcome Ian to the Community and looks forward to seeing and hearing more on his new acquisition. 

27th July 2020
Barnfind Mk-2 GT Rejoins the Costello Fraternity​...

Having been absent from Costello MG ownership for some five years, founder Lawrence Wood could not resist the opportunity to acquire another model, this time a Mk2 GT.


This barn-find car, exposed to the light in July 2019 had been taken into safe keeping by Nigel Guild of Former Glory Ltd - MG specialist of many years. Lawrence had in fact advised Nigel on the provenance of the car at the time and was in contact with friends of the deceased owner. But his own bid for the vehicle was too low as a minor price war ensued to acquire the car from the deceased owner's estate.

Following a little light commissioning this remarkably sound GT - dry stored in a shed for some 27 years - now sees the light of day again. Lawrence plans to add to the 44000 miles on his occasional visits to the UK and will add further news and photos when possible. More on this car here.

26th July 2020
...whilst another departs - MkI GT comes up for sale

A remarkably low mileage three-owner Mk1 GT is now on the market. Paul Hornby's much loved Costello is available for public sale but will go for auction in September if not moved on before then. With only 55,000 miles showing on the clock (believed genuine) this smart black example is in wonderful condition and requires no recommissioning.


Replete with a Certificate of Authenticity this vehicle is the real deal and represents a wonderful opportunity to enter the world of rare Costello ownership. Seller Paul has updated his profile here, so read more on this fabulous example. 

Contact Paul directly if you wish to know more or take your chance at auction time with Richard Edmonds Auctions on September 12th. 

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Bavarian Gathering Update (28th June)

The date of the 2020 Bavarian Costello Gathering is now confirmed as Thursday 17th to Sunday 20th September, 2020. This is in line with the most popular dates available. Hildegaard Roehr is organising and will handle enquiries directly.


For those wishing to join in the socialising and exciting driving routes, please note the Le Mans 24-Hour race has been rescheduled to the very same weekend. So for those travelling south from the United Kingdom be aware ferries and EuroTunnel will be booking very quickly.

Note, this Gathering is also open to friends of Costello attendees who own other cars 'of interest', ideally classics. You are most welcome. 

11th June, 2020
Latest on the Bavarian Gathering - September​

The MG Costello Bavarian Gathering 2020 is gaining apace, despite restrictions on travel. Hopefully these will be sufficiently lifted in order to let several keen Costello owners burble and rumble their way through Germany to Bavaria later this summer to enjoy fine food, open roads and a beer or two. Hildegard Roehr and husband Michael warmly invite you to take part. 

There are two dates to choose, either from Thursday 3rd Sep to Sunday 6th, or two weeks later from Thursday 17th September to Sunday 20th. This avoids a clash with the Goodwood Revival (still on) and the Angouleme races in central France. The Costello program is the same for both dates.


The beer festival Gillamoos, announced in the first invitation mail, will now unfortunately not take place.


Here is the program preview:

Thursday 3rd September (or 17th): Arrive. Dinner together.

Friday 4th (18th): The day is dedicated to the motto "Joy of driving experience and encyclopaedia of the automobile". More will be revealed later.

Saturday 5th (19th): Bavarian beer.

The group will take a short walk to visit a monastery including its church, beer garden and monastery beer Kloster Weltenburg. Then a boat trip on the Danube, and finally a brewery tour including a visit of the famous Hundertwasser tower with beer tasting - Kuchlbauerturm Abensberg.


Sunday 6th (20th): Wrap-up and depart.


If anyone wants to come earlier or stay longer, this is not a problem. Hilde and Michael will help with the hotel search.


Please let them know by 31st July. at the latest, whether or not you plan to attend and also which date is possible for you.

08th May 2020
Roger Cook to part with his MkIII GT​

Said by Ken Costello to be 'easily the best example in existence' and extensively developed by him personally over a number of years, this Costello boasts every upgrade ever produced - and then some! This seminal piece of Costello history is truly unique and has recorded only 14,500 miles since Ken built it. For personal reasons, owner Roger Cook has reluctantly decided to part with it.

Read here for an overview of this impressive beast and its full technical specifications here. This is truly one of a kind and represents an excellent opportunity to enjoy an MGB as it should have been. 

Please get in touch with Lawrence if you are interested in making an offer. 

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14th January
International Costello Gathering Announced!

Michael and Hildegaard Ruehr are organising an International Costello Gathering in Bavaria,southern Germany. Tentative dates are from Wednesday 2nd September to Sunday 6th.

Various activities await those keen to join the meeting including a visit to one of the largest private classic car collections in Europe, and a gut-testing, hangover-inducing beer festival - ‘Gillamoos’ - similar to the Oktoberfest in Munich.


Please get in touch with Hildegard and Lawrence if you are interested in taking part. More details to come...


Michael und Hildegaard Ruehr organisieren ein Internationales Costello-Treffen in Bayern, Süddeutschland. Vorläufige Daten sind vom Mittwoch, dem 2. September, bis zum Sonntag, dem 6. September.

Verschiedene Aktivitäten warten auf die Teilnehmer des Treffens, darunter der Besuch einer der größten privaten Oldtimersammlungen in Europa und ein katerauslösendes Bierfestival - „Gillamoos“ - ähnlich dem Oktoberfest in München.

Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an Hildegard und Lawrence. Weitere Einzelheiten folgen ...

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1st January 2020
Happy New Year!

Greetings to all Costello owners and aficionados around the world. Activity and interest in our favourite MG marque appears to have increased in 2019. A browse through the 2019 News Archives will show more Costello cars appeared to have changed hands certainly since this website was born in 2006. We had a 'garage-find' come to light after decades of dry storage, several cars change hands on the Continent and one or two emerge from lengthy and fastidious restorations.

And of course we had another successful Gathering, a re-run of the Heather Run in North Yorkshire - a popular if a bit windy event! is generously supported by those who have a Premium Listing - that is, a section dedicated to their car with as much history as the current owner wishes to share, along with five photographs. The minimal sum paid by these Costello Community members keeps our website free of adverts and spam, and pays for the hosting fees. Many thanks to those of you who continue to support the site - one which often receives accolades from journalists and classic car specialists alike. 

We look forward to more activities in 2020, another Gathering and perhaps more Costellos emerging from restoration.

Happy New Year to everyone with happy and safe motoring. 

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